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Monitoring of African swine fever (ASF)

Surveillance for African swine fever (ASF) in wild boar is based on reports of found carcasses and their examination. Surveillance for African swine fever in domestic pigs is based on clinical/passive surveillance (i.e. animal owners respond to symptoms or increased mortality and contact a veterinarian). This is considered to be a sensitive surveillance method as ASF infection is associated with very high mortality in domestic pigs as well as wild boars.

African swine fever control – map of sampling and results in infected zones

Within the infected zone, there is a total ban on the public moving outside of constructed roads. In order to gain knowledge about the spread of the infection within the infected area, organized cadaver searches are carried out by specially-trained people. Any carcasses that are found are removed from the forest and sampled. By removing the carcasses, the infection pressure is reduced. Wild boars killed in the zone are also examined.

To further verify that the infection is not present outside of the infected zone, in addition to the national surveillance with sampling of wild boars found dead, samples are collected from hunted wild boars and wild boars killed in traffic accidents in the area surrounding the infected zone. The map shows how many wild boars from the infected zone have been examined for African swine fever at SVA. The map also shows the wild boars that have been sampled in connection with hunting or traffic accidents in the surrounding area. Carcasses sampled in the national surveillance of wild boar around the infected zone are shown on the surveillance map, further down the page

Please note that the date in the map and table is the date of analysis and the date of death can differ significantly from the date of analysis. All samples positive in 2024 were from pieces of skeletons found in 2024, but based on an assessment of the condition of the skeletons these wild-boar were deemed to have died prior to October 2023.

If carcasses are found close to each other, the points of the map may overlap. Regarding the date, it indicates the date of analysis. All cases positive in 2024 were deemed to have died in 2023. The map was during autumn 2023 and until July 2024 updated on a daily basis. However, due to vacation the daily updates will be paused during July and August 2024. However, if new positive cases (apart from positive skeletons from wild boar deemed to have died in 2023) would be detected during this period, the map will be updated.

Surveillance of African swine fever throughout Sweden – map of sampling and results from samples collected in wildlife monitoring

The surveillance is dependent on SVA receiving reports of dead or sick wild boars from the general public, landowners, hunters and game handling facilities. See Submitting Samples and Animal Carcasses for instructions on both how to take and submit samples. The map shows how many wild boars have been examined for African swine fever at SVA in the wildlife monitoring.

African swine fever is subject to the Epizootic Act. If you suspect that domestic pigs are affected by the disease, you must call a veterinarian immediately. Until a veterinarian takes over the care of the case, you must do everything you can to prevent the spread of infection. Care must be taken to ensure that no other pigs come in to direct or indirect contact with infected animals. It is strictly forbidden to move suspected infected domestic pigs from the herd or stable in which they are kept. In most countries with African swine fever (ASF), the infection was first introduced into the wild boar population. In cases where domestic pig herds have also been affected, this has only happened after the disease was first introduced into wild boar. It is therefore extremely important that you report sightings of sick or dead wild boars to SVA.

African Swine Fever: how to stay one step ahead


Last updated : 2024-07-04